This translation was only provided for your convenience. The german version is the legally binding one.
The contract covers the following lessons: [minute option, price, online/at home].
The price listed is the average monthly price. This is based on the annual fee, which is broken down to every 12 calendar months for ease of billing. The monthly price is due in advance by the 1st of the month. Participation in direct debit is part of the tuition contract.
Travel expenses.
For on-site lessons beyond a radius of 5km from the teacher’s home, travel costs are incurred in addition to the fee. These amount to 0.40 cents per kilometer driven (plus VAT) and will be shown separately on the invoice.
Cancellation of lessons.
If the teacher is prevented from teaching, lessons will be made up within 3 months. If this is not possible in exceptional cases, the corresponding amount will be credited to her account. In case of prevention or default on the part of the student, the fee claim remains in principle.
Internet disturbances
In the event of sudden internet disruptions in the case of online classes, the student may record a video of his/her piece or questions and send it to the teacher. He will receive feedback, assistance, and a response video, if necessary, before his next regular class period. If he/she does not take advantage of this opportunity, the fee generally remains the same.
Trial period
For two months from the beginning of the contract, a trial period applies, during which the addressee of the contract can withdraw from the contract at any time. However, hours already given will not be refunded.
The contract can be terminated at any time with a notice period of 2 months to the end of each month. Cancellations must be in writing, whereby both e-mail and postal delivery are valid.
The teaching year is based on the school year of the general education schools in North Rhine-Westphalia, or for online students on the vacations in the respective federal state of the student. Classes are not held on public holidays and during the vacations of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia or, for online students, during the vacations of the respective state (floating vacations excluded). Adult students who are no longer bound by school vacation schedules may arrange their annual vacation times in consultation with the teacher.
The card covers the following lessons: [minute option, price, online/on-site, 5s/10s card]
The price indicated is a one-time fee to be paid in full before the first lesson to the account indicated.
The dates on which this 5/10 lesson card is based will be agreed upon individually between the teacher and the student. This card must be redeemed within 2 years from the date of purchase or the lessons will be forfeited. Lessons are not transferable to third parties.
Travel costs.
For on-site lessons beyond a 5km radius of the teacher’s home, travel costs are incurred in addition to the fee. These amount to 0.40 cents per kilometer driven (plus VAT) and will be invoiced separately.
Cancellation of lessons / cancellation
If the teacher or student cancels the lesson, the lesson remains and can be rescheduled. However, if the teacher was already on the way to the mutually agreed lesson date, the corresponding travel costs for the cancelled date will be charged additionally.